I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Micah Sloat of Paranormal Activity I and II fame (thanks Stephen @AerialPR and Joy @makeupjunkiejdt!). Micah was such a nice guy and soo easy on the eyes, but seriously all that talk about well paranormal activity had me plugging my ears and wanting to shut my eyes tight haha!
Yes, anyone who knows me knows I am absolutely terrified of horror movies…so I straight up confessed to Micah that I hadn’t watched any of the Paranormal Activity movies…because I can’t even sit through watching the trailer. I know, weak.
After reading the entertaining article by Kiva Reardon on the Criticize This blog, I took comfort in the fact that I didn’t know at the time the location where we were getting Micah ready (a place called the House of Horrors in Toronto) was formerly a funeral parlour…..umm, yeah.  Check out Reardon’s awesome article…and if you’re a brave soul unlike me, check out Micah in Paranormal Activity I and II. Just don’t tell me about it. Please.
….here’s to hoping I can sleep tonight!