Wedding October 1, 2008 WEDDING | Emily The gorgeous bride Emily and the perfect way to end a wonderful weekend. artistrhiemilywedmake-upmake-up artistrhia amiotorontotoronto make-up artist Share on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + rhia amio, make-up artist Website Previous articleWEDDING | Guest Blogger on Toronto Wedding Professionals Next articleQ & A | Choosing a Make-up School in Toronto You may also like May 7, 2015 WEDDING | Huy + Graham by A Brit & A Blonde Photography April 28, 2015 WEDDING | Valeria + Jeremy by Lucy Chang Photography Be first to comment Click here to cancel reply. Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
UPDATES | Make-up + Hair for Rose Leslie, Ygritte of HBO’s Game of Thrones Rose Leslie of HBO’s Game of Thrones was in Toronto last week to promote the highly anticipated season three of the hit show along with the launch of an international GoT exhibition (making its first stop in our great city!).