WEDDING | Tu-Le Preview & The Suite Life

I’m fully enjoying a lazy Sunday after three weddings this weekend. (It just hit me that I did a Friday the 13th wedding too! Pretty neat. Considering all the wedding rituals we do because of superstition, would you have your Big Day on a Friday the 13th?! I still think it’s pretty cool!)

I just wanted to quickly post a few pics of the fun I had getting Tu-Le ready for her Big Day yesterday (08.14.10). We showed up to the Park Hyatt in Yorkville and were awed when we met Tu-Le in the top-floor Maple Leaf suite.  We’re talking a loft-style hotel room that J-Lo herself had actually stayed in before.

Aww, life IS suite!!  Someone bring me an electric fan + bronzer J-Lo style, of course!!

view of the room from our corner. yes, there's an upstairs.

me doing my thing = all smiles.

Tu-Le the beautiful bride. Superstar of the day!

Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way.

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