Beauty Shot July 31, 2011 BEAUTY SHOT | Yumi Playing make-up with this beautiful bride-to-be today! Looking forward to it and to seeing my talented pal Suzie on hair again too!! Share on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + rhia amio, toronto make-up + hair artist Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way. Website Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest Previous articleENGAGED | Viv + Mike by Claudia Hung Photography Next articleWEDDING | Camelle You may also like January 21, 2015 BEAUTY SHOT | Whitney January 8, 2015 BEAUTY SHOT | Andrea Be first to comment Click here to cancel reply. Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
PRODUCT REVIEW | Favourite Drugstore Mascaras Mascara does have a high turnover rate, so (usually) I can’t really rationalize spending $30 on it when you’ll have to throw it out…