Beauty Shot, Editorial November 27, 2011 EDITORIAL | Ride or DIY, Bitch: Holiday Collars via the Toronto Standard Get your creativity on – DIY collars via the Toronto Standard… Photography: Sarah Blais Make-up + Hair: Rhia Amio artistrhiDIY collarsrhia amiosarah blaistoronto standard Share on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + rhia amio, toronto make-up + hair artist Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way. Website Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest Previous articleCREATIVE | Testing, testing with Alice Xue Next articleWEDDING | Queenie You may also like January 21, 2015 BEAUTY SHOT | Whitney January 8, 2015 BEAUTY SHOT | Andrea Be first to comment Click here to cancel reply. Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
CREATIVE | Rapunzel by Nadia Cheema The second set from our Grimms’ fairy tale themed shoot is now up under the Fashion section of Rapunzel was hands down my…