CREATIVE | Testing, testing with Robin Li Photography

I get soooo excited whenever I get an email from Robin ( – either because it’s hopefully about an opportunity to shoot with the talent that he is…or he’s sending over images we’ve worked on like the ones below! Here are the results of a quick test with gorgeous Brittan of Elmer Olsen Models that we did a couple of weeks ago.  I kept the make-up pretty simple with (my fave!) a slight cat-eye flick:
rli_7 rli_8 rli_9Stay tuned for more with this awesome team!!

Photography: Robin Li (
Production Assistant: Jenn Zhao
Make-up/Hair: Rhia Amio (
Muse: Brittan (Elmer Olsen)

Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way.

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