Wedding June 19, 2010 WEDDING | Nicole Nicole’s Big Day now up on artistrhi weddings! Simply stunning. artistrhirhia amiotoronto make-up artist Share on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + rhia amio, make-up artist Website Previous articleCREATIVE | Annabelle by Alice Xue Photography Next articleENGAGED | Queenie + Norm by Claudia Hung You may also like May 7, 2015 WEDDING | Huy + Graham by A Brit & A Blonde Photography April 28, 2015 WEDDING | Valeria + Jeremy by Lucy Chang Photography Be first to comment Click here to cancel reply. Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
CREATIVE | Serafima (Elmer Olsen) by Alice Xue Photography Check out a sampling of these killer creatives done with the amazingly talented (and just getting started!) Alice Xue. We focused on a darker beauty shoot