ENGAGED (and well, MARRIED!) | Shannon + Abel by Claudia Hung

Shannon and Abel – what an endearing couple!  Had a great time with them as they did e-shoot style pics with the one and only Claudia Hung.  I say ‘e-shoot style’ as Shannon and Abel were married last year (Claudia mentions my initial confusion here lol!), but they loved Claudia’s work so much that they wanted her pics/style too.  If you know Claud’s work (and you should if you’re a frequent visitor here on the blog), then you’ll have no doubt why! :)

Congrats to Shannon and Abel on your 1 year – many more happy years (and potentially photoshoots?!) to come!! :)  See more with this cute couple on artistrhi.

Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way.

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