artistrhi Updates December 12, 2010 ARTISTRHI UPDATES | Now Booking New Year’s Eve Make-up Appointments! Share on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + rhia amio, toronto make-up + hair artist Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way. Website Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest Previous articleWEDDING | Random @jwphotoca Next articleEDITORIAL | e-Published in Off the Map webzine! You may also like June 3, 2014 UPDATES | Thank you May (in photos) April 23, 2014 UPDATES| Keep on Learning x Hair Artistrhi :) Be first to comment Click here to cancel reply. Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
CREATIVE | Flowers, Crowns and a Day in the Woods… Here’s some new old stuff with photographer Sam Assam, stylist Daniela Mastracci and muse Courtney from Spot 6.  ♥ Photography:  Sam Assam ( Make-up/Hair:…