ON SET | Make-up, Hair and Reno-vention time with Tosca Reno

I’m always excited for the opportunity to work with the wonderful Tosca Reno, best-selling author of The Eat Clean Diet and The Start Here Diet.  Not only do I always learn so much about nutrition and health from her, but I also just feel inspired from being around her and her beautiful spirit!

From Tosca’s Instagram, getting ready that day:

This time around we were working on a video to coincide with her website relaunch (Reno-vation, if you will) at www.toscareno.com:

Welcome to Tosca Reno from Deb Von Sychowski on Vimeo.

From working with her, it’s easy to understand how she has helped so many people on their individual journeys towards healthier lifestyles.  People just connect with her so naturally, I mean, just check out some of the amazing before and after testimonials under the Triumphs tab!

Congrats Tosca on the new look of your site!! Cheers to fresh beginnings and thank you for all that you do for us.

Now, go check out her site and get inspired too [click below] :)

tosca reno rhia amio make-up hair artistrhi toronto

Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way.

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