WEDDING | Viv + Mike by Konrad Czystowski – FreshSox

I just had to share this beautiful Same Day Edit by ridiculously talented, Konrad Czystowski, the man behind Freshsox. I have the utmost respect for what Konrad does and once you watch this SDE (and so many amazing others that he’s done you’ll understand why). The first time I met Konrad and saw him in action was during Anna + Andrew’s wedding last year. All of a sudden, here was this guy lying down on the salon floor (literally), setting his camera up on gliders and under cars in order to get his shots!  Of course, I didn’t understand it when I first saw him bending over backwards to get the shot, but once I saw the finished product…talk about vision!  The distinction between a cinematographer and videographer was blatant.

Just watch and feel…that’s all Konrad and signature Freshsox.

Vivienne + Michael SDE | Timothy Eaton Church Wedding | Toronto from Freshsox on Vimeo.

Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way.

1 Comment

  • September 7, 2011


    Could you make a girl cry even more? I teared up so much after watching this video!

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