CREATIVE | New Editorial “D’automne” in GLASSBOOK

D'automne. New editorial in Glassbook.  Photo by Robin Li. Make-up and Hair by Rhia Amio. Styling by Jenn Zhao. Model Kristin at NEXTHere’s my latest make-up/hair work in “D’automne”, a story that was recently e-published for GLASSBOOK online.  I had the wonderful pleasure and opportunity to work with a truly fantastic team (including our model, Kristin, with her to-die-for skin + gorgeous freckles!)  Here are more of the results:

D’automne credits
Photography: Robin Li (
Styling: Jennifer Zhao
Make-up/Hair: Rhia Amio (
Model: Kristin (NEXT Models)

Welcome to my journal and journey as a make-up and hair artist with all the beautiful people and products I encounter along the way.

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