Q & A | Age Appropriate False Eyelashes
Q: hi Rhia,I have a formal event to attend and would really like to wear false eyelashes, but am afraid that I might be…
Q: hi Rhia,I have a formal event to attend and would really like to wear false eyelashes, but am afraid that I might be…
Searching for an awesome concealer is pretty much the equivalent to finding the holy grail of beauty for me. Blame it on my own…
In an attempt to simplify my site’s look and better cater to my target audiences, I’ve launched a new site www.rhiaamio.com to house my…
Leave it to MAC to always be in tune with trends for both make-up…and technology! Via Twitter, you’re able to follow MAC Senior Artists…
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian readers! I have much to be thankful for (and you sitting there reading this is just one of…